Sunday, September 2, 2012


             This past weekend I started watching season 2 of The Walking Dead, now I don’t know exactly why I am so fascinated by the whole idea of zombies coming alive and the whole population wiping out, but I am. The overview of the whole series is basically the whole word comes down with a zombie apocalypse and if you are bitten by a zombie you then become one. In the story of the series there are a group of people fighting to survive theses flesh eating zombies. I can honestly say I am addicted!       
The bad thing is that I’m addicted to any movie or book or even TV show about things even among zombies, like vampires, and mainly the world coming to an end. I have no idea why it is so interesting to me, but in reality think about it? What if something terrible came among us people? What would you do? How would you do it? What would you feel?  I feel like if you were a survivor among it you would most likely try to survive, or maybe not, maybe you wouldn’t want to be any part of it and “opt” out. There are just so many “what if’s” or “maybes”. I know I’m not the only one addicted to these series and movies.              
Movies, movies, and more movies. The movies are the things that make me think, have you ever seen “2012”, “War of the Worlds”, or “The Knowing”. In all of these movies the world almost or does come to an end. Now that makes me almost scared that something could happen to the world, but then again isn’t it all just a bunch of crap? 2012 has been brought up numerous times in my life and the closer and closer I get to it I tell myself it isn’t true but what if it is?   
I could go on and on about this stuff for days, but I will end on this note. What if? (332)

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