Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ewwww teeth

            Everyone has at least one insecurity; mine would definitely be my teeth. When I look at person the first thing I look at is their teeth, I think it’s because mine are so messed up, but I always compare and or judge them. I think about what people think about my teeth a lot as well, let’s just say my teeth do not define me and I strongly dislike my teeth.

            Let’s start off with saying that my teeth are the way they are because in 1st grade I got into a bike accident, I was launched off my bike and hit the pavement with my mouth first, therefore breaking my jaw. 1 day after my jaw was wired shut and 6 weeks later with it being wired shut, my teeth moved and looked tremendously different and yes it sucked a lot! Anyway when that was all over my teeth were not the same, I had a tooth behind some my front teeth. They felt different and of course had to look different.

            My parents had to get one of my sisters braces, yet she got her’s on in fourth grade, when she got them off in sixth grade she was not fond of wearing her retainer and irresponsible and a few years later had to get braces again because her teeth had moved from her not wearing her retainer all the time. My parents were very mad because of how much money they spent on her teeth. Which made them wait until the end of my sophomore year to fix my teeth, they felt I was old enough to take good care of my teeth.

            Happily I am now getting my teeth to become soon pretty and straight. With that comes pain though, right now I have a jaw expander and let me tell yah IT SUCKS! It hurts so bad, and the tooth that is behind my teeth is very visible and everyone is always like “omg, you have a tooth back there? What does it feel like? Does it hurt? No it doesn’t hurt and yes I know it’s there so shut up your annoying.

            I’m not going to lie, I hate my teeth and I feel like they hold be back from things. I feel like even with braces I will look better, I can’t wait until I get my braces off though. I will be a completely different person. (404)

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