Tuesday, December 4, 2012

what if....

            In my last blog I know I went on and on about the weather being all weird. Lately there has been much talk at my school regarding December 21st, 2012 and the weird weather….. sooo it made me think about it. If the world is truly going to end on that day (it most-likely won’t) maybe the weather does have something to do with it, you never truly know. I mean maybe the sun is going to explode or something and we could all burn within a millisecond. But you have to again put the whole “What if” scenario into place again.
            When I talked to my mom about it she just kind of gave me the “are you crazy look”. But she did have some good advice. She brought up the fact that if the world ends then you most-likely won’t feel a thing; it would all happen in a blink of an eye. Suddenly earth would be gone and so would all of people with it. She also did the whole whatever happens, happens thing. She probably thinks I’m crazy but I’m mostly just curious.
            Also the other day I was talking to some friends about it and we were just thinking of what COULD happen, not saying it ever will. We got really farfetched with things like a zombie apocalypse or deadly virus hitting the entire world. At that point I didn’t even know what to think about, it would just be so beyond this life. We then started talking about what if you survived?! You would have to defend yourself and most importantly began a completely new and different life.
            If you’re reading this, you probably think I’m crazy. I’m not saying it is going to happen but I’m just saying a lot of “what if’s”. I know that there have been a lot of predictions about the world ending and such and none have never actually happened to my knowledge. I wonder what other people think though. With December 21st coming soon, I wonder if there are people out there preparing for the world to end! I also wonder when the day comes or before the days if people will commit suicide so they don’t have to go through it. Yes, I know that is very weird to say but in the entire world ending movies you see people kill themselves so they don’t have to endure what it so come.
            I’m not trying to creep you out or anything, but just think… What if….? (420)

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen the movie, 'I Am Legend'? It reminded me of that after reading your post because it's about this guy who is the only person left after the world is destroyed by a virus and how he deals with it. You should watch it sometime if you haven't. :)
