Sunday, April 28, 2013

Drake & Josh

Drake and Josh is a hilarious television show that use to be on Nickelodeon. It was about two step brothers one of them is really popular ad attractive while the other one is a chubby nerd that has to follow the rules. Drake (the attractive one) is always getting Josh (the nerdy one) in trouble. It’s so funny because whenever they get into a bad situation drake just blows it off but Josh has a complete meltdown. They also have a little sister named Megan. She is probably the worst little sister you could ever imagine because she acts like a little angel around the parents but is a complete devil child when she talks to the guys. She also plans really good ideas to prank people. In one episode Drake and Josh were standing in their room then suddenly the floor collapsed and they fell through the ground, they thought it was a coincidence until they saw Megan standing over them laughing. So she is just a really mean little sister that I’m glad I don’t have. One of my favorite episodes is when Drake and Josh decide to get back at their sister. Megan just got a new telescope in the mail and she was using it every night to look at the stars. So Josh being the nerd he is made a CD that looked like an alien ship and set it up with the telescope so when Megan looked through it looked like there was an alien ship up in the sky. When Megan went to go use it and saw the UFO she freaked out and told everybody but nobody believed her. Drake and Josh took this prank one step further they set up a device and told Megan she can try to communicate to the aliens through it. But instead of her actually communicating with the alien it was going to be them on the other end. Finally to end the prank they dressed in alien outfits and humped out when Megan was using her telescope she was finally filled in on what they were doing and was really mad. So one night Drake, Josh, and Megan were all outside with the telescope and suddenly they saw lights coming from behind their gate then suddenly what they thought were actual aliens came from behind the gate and chased all of them. Megan acted scared but really she was just getting back at them for what they did to her. I love this episode because it’s so funny. No matter how hard Drake and Josh try they can never prank Megan as well as she can prank them. The funniest part about it is she is so young and Drake and Josh are teenager boys who can never figure out what she will do next. This was such a good show and really upset when they ended it. I still see it on from time to time and it makes me really happy because this was a classic.(Word count: 507)

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