Sunday, October 28, 2012

breaking amish

            For the past few weeks I have been watching the show “Breaking Amish” on TLC and you could say I’m a little hooked, now some of you might know what I am talking about and some probably not so much. The show is basically about a group of Amish people all from different communities that break away from their community and live in “the real world” and do “American” things, the five people on the show all lived in New York for a brief period of time and had the chance to be more American like and do more American things. They experienced the feeling of love, and being able to go out in public with a short sleeve shirt on and it be okay, they weren’t judged as much and were more open to what America has to offer. At the end of the show they go back to their communities and homes to see and decide whether or not they are going to stay part of their community or go live on their own with basically nothing or anyone.
            The show in a way almost fascinates me; growing up with my ways of living I have no idea what it would be like to ever grow up with their ways. But then you have to think that you wouldn’t know anything different so in reality it really wouldn’t affect you.
            Growing up in an Amish community is a lot different than our everyday ways. I would refer to it almost as growing up with a safety blanket around you at all times. You don’t get to wear what you want, you don’t get to cut your hair or make it different styles and colors, no showing skin or wearing clothing of your choice, no going to movies, cell phones, boyfriends/girlfriends, touching, TV, and ect. Their views come directly from god and they are very strict on their views.                        
On the show when the people decide to leave their community they take the risk of possibly being shunned, which means everybody including your close family disowns you, and most important if you decide to leave for good, they will never talk to you again and basically pretend you never even existed. Now when I think of that happening that would scare me to death, I have no idea what I would do without my family. Also the Amish people don’t go to high school so they don’t have a diploma which in today’s world is what will get you a job and help you make money. This altogether means that if I were Amish and I left my community I would no longer have family and friends and I would pretty much be homeless. I would get a low paying job and it would be very hard for me to succeed successfully, but if I tried very hard and really wanted it, I could do and say I actually did it.
            When I think about these people I honestly think how crazy they are, but they don’t have that choice and they don’t have any other way of living so it’s just normal for them. I give these people big probs because they do a lot and I bet it’s very hard for them. I highly suggest watching the show, you won’t regret doing so. (556)

costumes or naked costumes.....

             I know that lately I have making a lot of blogs about Halloween but there are just so many things to talk about! This blog is all about the costumes ranging from little kids to adults! Halloween is a time where you can be whatever you want and make the best of it!
            When you’re a baby you have no say in what you want to be, but your mom sure does. Usually they make a good choice and when you’re looking at pictures you get to see just how cute you look and how adorable you were. Now when you’re under 10-12 you basically be whatever cools, so like a witch or a cool cartoon character, or of course a scary monster. But when you’re above say 15-16 you all begin to make bad bad choices, and I’m not saying this to everyone because I know people that dress appropriate. But a lot like to dress up and let half of their ass hang out and boobs exposed……Excuse me but I really DON’T enjoy seeing it and its really not that attractive hunny at least not to me. Some people say that Halloween is a time for girls to dress up like the bad slu* word, but really just stop. I feel like everyone can wear clothing that fits their body and still have just as much of a good time as the girl that dressed up as a slut@y boxer or kitty. So ladies please this Halloween year wear something that fits and actually covers at least some of your body, PLEASE. (264)

Monday, October 22, 2012

& here comes all the sick days

Being that it is fall heading into winter; people are very susceptible for the common sicknesses or viruses. In my school there have been numerous people getting Mono, Whooping Cough, and the common flu. Usually I am the first to come down with it but not this year, I honestly thought this would be the first year I wouldn’t get super sick; I usually get sick all the time at least every other month but lately I haven’t been getting sick all. And to tell yah the truth I was definitely okay with that!
Last night I did my routine homework, and later went to bed. I had a pretty crappy night of sleep, later to wake up with the horrible feeling of sickness. Whenever I get sick, I get little small symptoms before it becomes full blown. This morning my throat was sore, I was super tired, my nose was beginning to become stuffed, and I had that tiny headache that lasted whole entire day. I knew I would get sick at some point! Anyways I have been drinking a lot of liquids and taking pain reliever, whatever I have I want it gone as soon as possible!
If you feel like you are getting sick, you should be aware of a few things. One might be that you’re not washings your hands enough, so throughout that day be as clean as can be. Also it could be due to the fact that you were hanging out with someone that was sick and shared a beverage or food item with them, next time make sure they aren’t sick. Make sure you drink as much fluids that can fit into your body, but make sure they are good fluids like orange juice for the vitamin c or Gatorade. Definitely make sure that you are also taking some pain reliever it might help and actually cure what’s going on. The most important thing of all would to get as much sleep as better, the more you sleep the better you’ll fee. But last if it gets worse I would advise to go to the doctor and get medicine to cure whatever it is that you have and not spread it.
Really though, who wants to be sick! You’re miserably stuck in your bed all day, with nothing to do, and you miss school and get behind. It is just not worth it and honestly a pain in the ass. Yes, you could have just been at the wrong place at the wrong time and caught something but next flu season be aware of your hygiene. Then you might not be a susceptible to becoming sick. (445)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

..... trick or treaters

            “Trick or treat”- says the cute little munchkins !
            Halloween is right around the corner, and today me and my friend volunteered to help hand out candy and this big event that little kids come and trick or treat at. This event was filled with a ton of little children desperately opening their bags to get all the candy they can fit in their bags. It was very enjoyable and as I get older I enjoy handing candy out more and more. When dealing with all the munchkins though you can see many ups and downs, and when they are being all sneaky and then not so sneaky.
            Handing out the candy is the easy part, you get to see all the cute little kids dressed up and sometimes they just look so cute you have to just smile and laugh, today though I saw some kids that had regular clothes on, I mean come on, Halloween is about getting all dressed up to receive endless amounts of candy and you can be anything you want without anyone judging you. Also when I hand out candy I like to see a costume so of course I’m going to give the kid crap, especially because the only kids that do it are teenagers that shouldn’t be doing it anyways, I mean I’ll definitely give you credit and candy for at least dressing up and being that old. So please when you go trick or treating DRESS UP!
            Okay, secondly when it comes to the whole ordeal use your manners! You either have the kids that use their P’s and T’s very well and always looks so cute and friendly whether they get one piece of candy or five. But then you have the rude ones that grab and go and don’t even thank you for buying candy that I must add usually isn’t that cheap and handing it out. Especially when they come up and say “ewwww” I don’t like this kind, well suck it up, I don’t care what you like, I’m nice enough to even give you anything so enjoy it! Oh and I must address the whole only take one thing, if I say only take one…. ONLY TAKE ONE, I’m not stupid I can see you taking two or three pieces when I only said TAKE ONE, not a thousand, I have the bowl in my hand I and can see everything! I mean I understand if your 2 and you don’t really even know exactly what you’re doing, then I’ll let you take whatever because usually they are oh so cute.
            Kids, kids, kids they will learn someday. Whether you’re a nice trick or treater or a rude one, think of whose giving you the candy and respect them, it that too much to ask! Sorry but some adults should teach their kids some manners. Anyways have a happy Halloween(: (484)

halloween horror

October is the month of Halloween, where there are numerous scary movies aired on television and on the big screens. This year though I have noticed a lot of new scary movies coming out… like Paranormal Activity 4, Sinister, The Possession, and The House at the End of the Street. All of which I have heard are extremely scary and recommended to watch. I went and saw The House at the End of the street last weekend, it was really good and I never felt confused at all, but it really wasn’t what I would paraphrase to be a “horror” movie, you might of jumped out of your seat a few times but it wasn’t scary, I would definitely recommend it though it was overall a good movie.
            Horror movies are very popular, I don’t know if it’s because the sense that something bad is going to happen or because you get the over rated feeling of scarce throughout your body, yes you want to cover your face with your hands, yet you still peek through that one little spot to make sure you don’t miss anything important. Maybe you enjoy seeing all the guts and blood, and all that gory stuff for some odd reason that I can’t explain. Or maybe you just like the idea of them and are interested in the movie whole.
            You don’t kind of like scary movies, you either really enjoy them or you absolutely hate everything about them. I personally can’t get enough of them, I love them and the whole being scared feeling, I mean in the end I usually don’t sleep very well that night, but it’s always worth it. But then you have the people that can’t stand them, and that can get so scared they cry, or that when you have a scary movie on all the lights have to be on. My mom doesn’t like them because she doesn’t like the fact that someone came up with the idea that is portrayed through the movie, she thinks there is something wrong with people that think of gross horror murderers and creatures. Everyone has their own opinion if you don’t like scary movies; watch the kid friendly scary movies, maybe you will enjoy them more.
            October is filled with fright and fear, I highly recommend to go out and have a scary movie night and go watch one in the theaters, they are all very good this year, and happily there isn’t to much blood and guts! (418)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

make everything count

Last weekend was the last home game for football of 2012-2013 season unless we go to playoffs (cross your fingers) . We happily won and it made me not able to wait until next season. Later that night I went to Pancheros with some friends, their ended up being some seniors there, talking about how sad they were because it was their last home game.
This really made me think, I am currently a junior which only means next year I will be a senior which means I have a year left of home football games! My friends and I just thought about how it all goes by so fast, next year after our last home game we will be the seniors saying how sad they are. My friends and I have always loved starting school each year because we look forward to getting way too decked and screaming our lungs out at the football games.
We decided that next year being seniors and all we will make every home game last! We will always cheer on our boys and make something of it even if we are losing, also we won’t leave half way through the game we will always stay all the way through! Being a senior has its up and downs, but in all reality makes you think about everything you took for granted through you school years, only to start fresh and new!
Which only means that my friends and I are going to try and make the best of our senior year, we want to do everything we can to make the year as memorable as possible. And yes that means getting as involved as we can and attending as much events as possible! I can’t wait for next year’s football season it will be a good one! I’m going to make it count. (309)

when is enough, enough?

Really you think it’s cool to come to a football game drunk & high. Sorry bud but it really isn’t that cool, maybe to you, but in reality you look like a total idiot! It seems like now days you see more and more high school teenagers drinking and getting “high”, but when is enough, enough?!
Some people think that it is fun to go to the school events under the influence, only to usually end up getting caught, and ending with a bad punishment, like public intoxication, or taking classes, and getting suspended from school for 5 days and even worse losing your license. Is it really worth that much just to have 2 hours of fun!? And for all of my fellow friends I can say it’s not funny it’s actually really annoying especially when you talk as if I’m on the other side of the football stadium. People don’t like you more if you do it; you just look stupid and annoying.
The worst part of it all is the fact the people doing these immature things are driving them self to and from the games possibly even with other, think of what could happen, they could kill some innocent victim because of their habits. Is it really worth going that far? What happens if you get pulled over when you’re drunk? I don’t think a DUI at the age of 16 looks very good on your record. I hope that at least some kids have smarter ways when they drink like possibly having a designated driver so they aren’t putting their life’s and other lives in danger, I’m not promoting teenage drinking I’m just saying there are ways to prevent some negative things from happening.
So my final question would be, do you feel sorry for the kid that gets in trouble at the game, the one that might get suspended or their license revoked and maybe even worse their stomach pumped? My answer would be NO! That person made the decision of being okay getting caught when they drank their first sip, maybe next time they will think twice! If you do drink and you’re in high school please just be a little responsible by maybe not driving or staying in one place, once again I’m not promoting teenage drinking by any means, but if you’re doing it, don’t just think about yourself think of everyone around you and what the horrible consequences could be. (410)

rainy days are good days

            Rainy days have always been a favorite of mine; They are a perfect day to waste and do nothing productive, they are kind of like a lazy day. MY ideal rainy day would be just this:
You wake up to a dark filled room, only to think it would probably be best to go back to bed, so you end up snoozing for a few more hours to take advantage of the dark room. You then finally wake up and begin your day, you think that due to the weather outside, it would be the perfect day to stay indoors. You go get ready and think that you don’t have to look 100% because the rain will ruin your hair and or makeup in the end anyways. So you put your hair into a messy bun, with little make-up or none at all. Later when you’re choosing your outfit you choose your favorite sweat pants and you’re most relaxing t-shirt and don’t forget the warm cozy boots because come on who wants to be uncomfortable when it’s crappy outside. You then decide what you’re actually going to do all day….
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, there are so many things you could do, but of course you choose movie day with your closest friend or boyfriend. The two of you go rent as many movies as you can and of course stock up with as much food and candy as you can, especially chocolate and popcorn, then you can make your rainy day a depressing fat one to! You then get all cozy and warm and let the movies begin. As the movies are going you laugh and cry and really enjoy them. Then you decide your cold so you can cuddle up to the one you love! Then when all is over you yet again return to your bed for a good night’s sleep, and also to think of how productive you have been throughout the day!
This would be my perfect rainy day, not too much of anything, which sometimes can be everything! Let’s face it every day we are always going, and going and going. Sometimes you just need a break and rainy days are the way to go! So next time you wake up to a room full of darkness make it a lazy day, you won’t regret it! (392)

Friday, October 12, 2012

soon to be driver, its kinda sad

Being a junior, most teens have a cell phone, a job, and oh yah a car…. But not me, I am 16 and in about a month I will be 17 and I will not be driving until a month after. In Iowa you can get your permit when your 14, you have to be 16 to have a license but you have to have had your permit for at least 6 months and have gone through Drivers Ed. I waited sadly until I was 16 to get my permit and am currently going through Drivers Ed.

I have had a lot of people make fun of me for not getting it sooner, but I really don’t care. I don’t know exactly why I didn’t get it sooner but I just didn’t, it wasn’t at the top of my priority list. It’s not because I’m afraid to drive because I am not afraid at all; I have driven numerous times with my parents and older siblings.  Having my license will cause good things and bad things.

When I finally get my license I will be able to go do what I want, when I want, I won’t have to make plans in advance to get a ride, and I will never have to worry about not getting a ride or being late because of my ride. I will be able to drive myself to and from work and not have to wait 15 minutes after I get off to get a ride. Waiting is a big thing I will not miss, wherever I am and need a ride I always have to wait and I hate it! I also will no longer have to get dropped off and picked up by my parents, which at this point is honestly getting a little embarrassing.

Some things I am not looking forward to would be that I’ll have to pay for gas, and let me tell yah it’s expensive. Also I’ll have to leave earlier for things going on so that I have time to park, ect. With it being winter means cold and I don’t want to walk all the way to my car and be freezing but I’ll have to deal with it and suck it up.

          I really should not be telling you why I don’t want my license? Who does that!? I know when I get my license I will be happy no matter what. (: (408)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

fast, gross food, samething?

                Okay, people have very different views on McDonalds, some love it and some want absolutely nothing to do with it. Yes, it is extremely unhealthy, and has lots and lots of calories in every delicious bite. I like it, but then I think about what I’m eating and that starts me make me not like it. I mean can you even call their meat “meat”?
                I have had both good encounters with this place and bad, I don’t eat there much due to the fact that my parents despise their food and it’s really bad for you. Plus I really don’t know how someone can eat there more than at least twice a week, whenever I’m done with their food I feel greasy all over and over stuffed ending with a horrible stomach ache. But I’m not going to lie it tastes pretty good and it’s cheap.
                In the past month McDonalds has started putting the calorie counts next to the food you’re going to order. This makes me especially not want to eat there often, I have to look at how much fat I’m putting in my body and that makes me want to eat somewhere else. This is probably really bad for McDonalds and possibly making people not eat there knowing exactly how much calories they are eating. People are being smart and not eating such unhealthy food, yet they are loosing customers. You could say it is a positive thing and a negative thing.
                I hope that every fast food place is required to do this. People should not eat at these places on a regular basis, they basically support the obese.  We all know that about the obesity problem that is occurring throughout America today, this could have somewhat of a change for that. Not a huge one but at least a small one.
                I’ve always thought that we should have healthy fast food. We already have cold cut sandwich chains like Subway and Quiznos, that has got to be 10x better for you then a greasy cooked burger. Everyone should think about what they eat before they eat it, maybe it will cause you to choose something different.  
                So this is what I advise you to do, next time you go to a fast food place, stop and think about what you’re about to eat. Think about what that could cause 10 years from then and how the food is made, ECT. Also take a look at all the calories you are about to eat and put into your body, do you really want to do that? And last think about how you will feel after you eat all that “great” food. (447)

fall has its downsides

                A few blogs back, I posted about fall and how I loved it and all. That opinion is slowly changing at this very second, I mean yah I like it when it’s cool outside and the leaves changing colors and all because everything is just so pretty. But when it starts to get so cold I have to wear a coat, and then things freeze and I die, and everything just is so ugly and depressing. That makes me  not like fall as much as I normally do. This morning at the sound of my alarm clock, I was freezing, and by the time I went to bed that night, I was yet still freezing. Yes, I would rather be dripping sweat from the blazing sun then freezing my finger tips off.
                Also when fall arrives, so does all the sickness’s, lately I have noticed a lot of people who are getting sick, or their allergies are kicking in. Germ-ex will be my best friend this year, because I am hoping and praying I don’t get sick. (Knock on wood) If you don’t want to get sick, you should go get the flu vaccine, it might prevent a very bad illness. And also help from spreading it as well.
                The sun is starting to disappear as well, pretty soon it will be winter and we will have a few months of depressing cloud coverage. So as of right now I would take fall and enjoy the best parts. Hot chocolate with marshmallows of course, home-made chili on that windy chilly depressing day, and my personal favorite sitting by the fire and or fireplace relaxing and enjoying all the heat, fall has many great aspects, but come along are the icky ones, that no one really enjoys all that much. Stay warm iowa(: (303)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ewwww teeth

            Everyone has at least one insecurity; mine would definitely be my teeth. When I look at person the first thing I look at is their teeth, I think it’s because mine are so messed up, but I always compare and or judge them. I think about what people think about my teeth a lot as well, let’s just say my teeth do not define me and I strongly dislike my teeth.

            Let’s start off with saying that my teeth are the way they are because in 1st grade I got into a bike accident, I was launched off my bike and hit the pavement with my mouth first, therefore breaking my jaw. 1 day after my jaw was wired shut and 6 weeks later with it being wired shut, my teeth moved and looked tremendously different and yes it sucked a lot! Anyway when that was all over my teeth were not the same, I had a tooth behind some my front teeth. They felt different and of course had to look different.

            My parents had to get one of my sisters braces, yet she got her’s on in fourth grade, when she got them off in sixth grade she was not fond of wearing her retainer and irresponsible and a few years later had to get braces again because her teeth had moved from her not wearing her retainer all the time. My parents were very mad because of how much money they spent on her teeth. Which made them wait until the end of my sophomore year to fix my teeth, they felt I was old enough to take good care of my teeth.

            Happily I am now getting my teeth to become soon pretty and straight. With that comes pain though, right now I have a jaw expander and let me tell yah IT SUCKS! It hurts so bad, and the tooth that is behind my teeth is very visible and everyone is always like “omg, you have a tooth back there? What does it feel like? Does it hurt? No it doesn’t hurt and yes I know it’s there so shut up your annoying.

            I’m not going to lie, I hate my teeth and I feel like they hold be back from things. I feel like even with braces I will look better, I can’t wait until I get my braces off though. I will be a completely different person. (404)