Sunday, October 21, 2012

halloween horror

October is the month of Halloween, where there are numerous scary movies aired on television and on the big screens. This year though I have noticed a lot of new scary movies coming out… like Paranormal Activity 4, Sinister, The Possession, and The House at the End of the Street. All of which I have heard are extremely scary and recommended to watch. I went and saw The House at the End of the street last weekend, it was really good and I never felt confused at all, but it really wasn’t what I would paraphrase to be a “horror” movie, you might of jumped out of your seat a few times but it wasn’t scary, I would definitely recommend it though it was overall a good movie.
            Horror movies are very popular, I don’t know if it’s because the sense that something bad is going to happen or because you get the over rated feeling of scarce throughout your body, yes you want to cover your face with your hands, yet you still peek through that one little spot to make sure you don’t miss anything important. Maybe you enjoy seeing all the guts and blood, and all that gory stuff for some odd reason that I can’t explain. Or maybe you just like the idea of them and are interested in the movie whole.
            You don’t kind of like scary movies, you either really enjoy them or you absolutely hate everything about them. I personally can’t get enough of them, I love them and the whole being scared feeling, I mean in the end I usually don’t sleep very well that night, but it’s always worth it. But then you have the people that can’t stand them, and that can get so scared they cry, or that when you have a scary movie on all the lights have to be on. My mom doesn’t like them because she doesn’t like the fact that someone came up with the idea that is portrayed through the movie, she thinks there is something wrong with people that think of gross horror murderers and creatures. Everyone has their own opinion if you don’t like scary movies; watch the kid friendly scary movies, maybe you will enjoy them more.
            October is filled with fright and fear, I highly recommend to go out and have a scary movie night and go watch one in the theaters, they are all very good this year, and happily there isn’t to much blood and guts! (418)

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