Wednesday, October 17, 2012

make everything count

Last weekend was the last home game for football of 2012-2013 season unless we go to playoffs (cross your fingers) . We happily won and it made me not able to wait until next season. Later that night I went to Pancheros with some friends, their ended up being some seniors there, talking about how sad they were because it was their last home game.
This really made me think, I am currently a junior which only means next year I will be a senior which means I have a year left of home football games! My friends and I just thought about how it all goes by so fast, next year after our last home game we will be the seniors saying how sad they are. My friends and I have always loved starting school each year because we look forward to getting way too decked and screaming our lungs out at the football games.
We decided that next year being seniors and all we will make every home game last! We will always cheer on our boys and make something of it even if we are losing, also we won’t leave half way through the game we will always stay all the way through! Being a senior has its up and downs, but in all reality makes you think about everything you took for granted through you school years, only to start fresh and new!
Which only means that my friends and I are going to try and make the best of our senior year, we want to do everything we can to make the year as memorable as possible. And yes that means getting as involved as we can and attending as much events as possible! I can’t wait for next year’s football season it will be a good one! I’m going to make it count. (309)

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