Wednesday, October 17, 2012

when is enough, enough?

Really you think it’s cool to come to a football game drunk & high. Sorry bud but it really isn’t that cool, maybe to you, but in reality you look like a total idiot! It seems like now days you see more and more high school teenagers drinking and getting “high”, but when is enough, enough?!
Some people think that it is fun to go to the school events under the influence, only to usually end up getting caught, and ending with a bad punishment, like public intoxication, or taking classes, and getting suspended from school for 5 days and even worse losing your license. Is it really worth that much just to have 2 hours of fun!? And for all of my fellow friends I can say it’s not funny it’s actually really annoying especially when you talk as if I’m on the other side of the football stadium. People don’t like you more if you do it; you just look stupid and annoying.
The worst part of it all is the fact the people doing these immature things are driving them self to and from the games possibly even with other, think of what could happen, they could kill some innocent victim because of their habits. Is it really worth going that far? What happens if you get pulled over when you’re drunk? I don’t think a DUI at the age of 16 looks very good on your record. I hope that at least some kids have smarter ways when they drink like possibly having a designated driver so they aren’t putting their life’s and other lives in danger, I’m not promoting teenage drinking I’m just saying there are ways to prevent some negative things from happening.
So my final question would be, do you feel sorry for the kid that gets in trouble at the game, the one that might get suspended or their license revoked and maybe even worse their stomach pumped? My answer would be NO! That person made the decision of being okay getting caught when they drank their first sip, maybe next time they will think twice! If you do drink and you’re in high school please just be a little responsible by maybe not driving or staying in one place, once again I’m not promoting teenage drinking by any means, but if you’re doing it, don’t just think about yourself think of everyone around you and what the horrible consequences could be. (410)

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