Sunday, January 13, 2013

a haunted house

                I’m sure that you have most likely viewed or heard about the movies “Paranormal Activity 1, 2, & 3), well while I was looking for a movie to view the other weekend with some friends we came upon the movie “A Haunted House” at first I thought it was going to be just another movie about having demons in the house or something like that. When I watched the movie trailer though I was slightly wrong, it turned out to be a movie that basically made fun of “Paranormal Activity”. Me and my friends determined that, that was the movie for us.
            Let me tell yah, the movie was hilarious! Being that I strongly dislike the paranormal movies and think that a.) They obviously aren’t real & b.)They are stupid, valid reasons I know I know. Anyways the movies were set up somewhat like the paranormal ones and were not scary at all but hilarious indeed. I laughed probably about ninety eight percent of the time.
            The main idea of the movie is about a guy named Malcolm and he has his girlfriend Keisha move in with him into his new dream house. They start to have things happen to them that the girl thinks is a ghost but Malcolm thinks it’s nothing, and soon Keisha becomes taken over by a demon. Malcolm then calls up a priest and a ghost hunter team and a physic. Well they tend to spend most of the time basically running away from Keisha but it’s really funny.
            I would recommend this movie to anyone who dislikes the Paranormal Activity movies or anyone who just wants to have a good laugh. The movie was very good and didn’t get one tiny bit boring or “stupid”. Also the main character Malcolm is played by the actor Marlon Wayans, who also starred in moves like “Scary Movie” or “White Chicks”, so he tends to be in funny movies and he’s pretty good. As long as the movie makes fun of Paranormal Activity, it has to be funny (: (344 words)

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