Thursday, January 24, 2013

pin errrthanggg

One of the newer media sights is called Pinterest, and to tell you the truth I am badly addicted. It’s not like all the others because you don’t really have it to interact with other people like Facebook and twitter; you use it more for your own personal amusement. Pinterest is just pictures that people put up and the more likes and pins it gets the more popular it comes. There are different pages to go to, for instance you have humor which is funny pictures, and you have DIY which stands for do it yourself and its mostly cute little crafts that’s made from stuff around your house. And the point of it is if you like something or want to try it then you can either like it or pin it on a board which you create. You can add friends and they can see all that you’ve pinned and vice versa. Pinterest is so addicting because you can’t stop looking at all these funny or good ideas. You don’t realize how long you’ve been reading little captions until after you log off.

Some of my favorite things to post are of coarse humor (that’s where I spend most of my time on Pinterest). But when I’m not there I like to look at food which has a lot of good recipes to try, and I also like to look at hair and beauty which is where I get a lot of my hair dews from.

One thing Pinterest just recently added was a secret board, which I LOVE. What it means is that I can pin whatever I want on this board and none of my followers can look at it. I think this is a good idea because now I can pin stuff I want to make people for a Gift/something to buy or I can pin things I just don’t want other people to see.

A lot of people would say Pinterest is a waste of time and I can see where there are getting that from. But I honestly think it’s better than being on Facebook or Twitter, at least on Pinterest I can see and come up with cooking, hair, diet, or furniture ideas that would help me in the future. So I would say Pinterest is better than Twitter and Facebook, I feel like you get more done than you would on the other social media sites. Make sure you are careful though because it is majorly addicting! (416 words)

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