Sunday, January 20, 2013

bridal showcase... enough said

                This past weekend I was dragged to a Bridal Showcase and let me tell yah other than the free food, it was not enjoyed one tiny bit. Being that my sister is getting married in September (the 7th to be precise) she has A LOT to do. Now if you have never been to a bridal showcase, there are a ton of vendors there(photographers, food places, tux places, cake shops, cupcake shops, party buses, professional salons and make-up artists) the list goes on and on, let me tell yah. These showcases are almost like a slap in the face, they show you almost everything you need plus more for your wedding, down to personalized mint shops for your décor. My sister is very excited to be getting married don’t get me wrong, but with all the wedding stuff going she has become a little bit crazy, let’s just say she is “stressed”.
            My sister didn’t only drag me, but my mom, soon to be brother in law Shawn, & her friend Brooke. I think Shawn and I were the ones dreading it; Shawn was just being a wimp and thought he would be the only guy there but he was wrong. My mom was oh so excited because my oldest sister Nicole got married in Jamaica so she didn’t get to help plan a wedding or anything. Now don’t get me wrong I am so excited that Jayme is getting married to Shawn, but everything that goes along with the wedding is pretty hectic and crazy and FAST. My sister has a lot of the basic things booked like her photographer and venue and my favorite her dress! So she thought it would be a good idea to go to the bridal showcase for some ideas.
            We all traveled to the Iowa City Marriot where it was being hosted at, and when we got there my jaw dropped. There were so many people and brides, you almost had to wait in line to talk to anyone and people were rude and pushed and budged a lot. It was kind of cool to see everything that goes with a wedding and all the different ways you could do it. Jayme really liked a couple food places and decided on one to book for her wedding. The food places were my favorite; I most likely tried at least 10 kinds of cakes, and at least 5 little cupcakes, and had a lot of samples of many various appetizers and food for the wedding. That was definitely Shawn and I’s favorite part. I just really hope if we go to another one of those things it isn’t so packed, I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
            In a way it made me pretty excited for Jayme’s wedding, it is still so crazy to think my sister is moving on with her life and taking the next big step, but it is definitely a good one, and I am oh so happy for her. Knowing my sister her wedding will be everything she wants plus more. Now I am dreading to go bridesmaid dress shopping in a couple of months that will be sooooooo fun. (525)

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