Midterms are kind of like a slap in the face. They tell you how you’re doing and show you that in a few weeks it will be the end of the trimester and finals. Being a high schooler you dread finals, they are stressful and hard and determine your final grade in the class or if you pass or not. Midterms aren’t as bad but can be stressful; here are some helpful ways to stay stress free for midterms and finals.
1. DON’T GET BEHIND: getting behind is never a good thing, it drops your grade down and is hard to get back to getting things done on time. So the simple resolution is to just get it done on time and then you don’t have to worry about it. But that doesn’t mean you can make excuses about not getting it done because you had football practice or had to work, and ect. Most teachers are very understanding so they can help you and give you more time if you need it without it being late.
2. BE THERE: absence though it may seem not that important it is! You miss the lesson the teacher teaches and you have a ton of makeup work in all of your classes, which can easily make you get behind and or confused in your class and not understand what is going on. I know that you can get sick and you really do need to stay home but it is your responsibility to get everything caught up with as soon as possible, the faster the better.
3. PAY ATTENTION: yes, we all have those days where we are side tracked and not very focused but you need to try your best to stay focused, and yes some classes can be boring and long but pay attention so you can understand everything and get a good grade! Yes that does mean ask questions, no one’s going to make fun of you all they can do is help, asking questions helps you understand so you can focus better and in the end get a good grade.
4. ORGANIZE YOUR TIME: do not wait until last minute to get your homework done, that basically forces you to do it fast and not really get and understand what is trying to be taught. Even your time out so you don’t have to wait until the last minute and you can have free time for other things.
5. GET SLEEP: without sleep none of these things above will work, you will be tired in class and won’t pay much attention and when you do your homework you will not do it well, it is not smart to stay up until 1 on a school night, you should have a consistent bed times every night, so you will always be fully energized and focused.
Midterms can be stressful and so can finals so use these key things to help you get good grades in school and not be too stressed. (503)