Monday, September 17, 2012

wilderness adventures

This weekend I went camping, and when I say I went camping I really went camping I mean out in the middle of nowhere without any electricity or bathrooms or anything. And let me tell yah it was fun and all but not as much as I thought it would be, but I would for sure do it again. You have those people that love the outdoors and camping but then you have the complete opposite that love the indoors and absolutely hate camping. I am one of the in-between both of those people. I love being outdoors but I also love all the indoor luxuries. When I go camping I either love it or I hate it, this past weekend I loved it except the temperature it could have been a bit warmer.
            I sure do love having things done for me, things that I don’t really think about like air conditioning, clean running water, and a furness. All of these items I go everyday with but I don’t really think about. When I’m camping though I sure do miss them, oh I almost forgot the most important of them all, a toilet (: when you’re out in the middle of nowhere you tend to realize what all you really do need on a daily basis. First, comes the tent which is my least favorite thing to do, because I tend not to be able to set them up very well and always end up needing help, but later that night when I want to sleep and get away from all the bugs I enjoy it. The fire is a main necessity to stay warm and cook food, this past weekend it probably got down to the low 50’s and it was extremely cold, I have no idea what I would have done without that fire. Water, I never realized how much water I use until it is no longer there for me to use, this past weekend I think I went through like 4 water bottles for cleaning my hands or washing something, not having it would be terrible.
            In a small way I feel that camping makes me think more and I like that, I become more aware of what I use every day. Everyone should go camping at, at least one point in their lifetime; it’s almost like a life lesson. (395)

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