Wednesday, September 26, 2012

materialistic people....

We all know that one person who ALWAYS has to fit in. They always have the coolest phone and the most expensive outfit. Some of us try to fit up to their standards and others just don’t really care. But I always ask myself, why? What is the point of spending 200$ on a pair of jeans that you are only wearing to “fit in” what is the point of that? When maybe the jeans that you like only cost 20$. Materialistic people are everywhere now days and it is beginning to drive me insane.
                If you are one of these people I feel sorry for you, I’m not trying to sound mean. But seriously you should wear what you WANT not what someone else wants. Having money doesn’t mean everything, you really don’t need to flaunt it that much, or brag about it to the max. It’s annoying and you sound stupid.
                Now don’t think I’m telling you what to wear because I’m not. I personally have expensive jeans because I really liked them, but my whole wardrobe is not made up of all expensive jeans or shirts for that matter. I am not ashamed to say I shop at thrift stores, there is nothing wrong with them, and so what someone else has worn them, they are still the same clothing and still can be worn with just as much confidence. Also at the same time you are saving money, so WHAT A GOOD DEAL!
                I want people to read this blog post and then go wear what they want to wear, because they want to wear it not someone else! Thank you. (276)

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