Wednesday, September 26, 2012

clean freak 101

If you know me, you know that I am a very organized and clean person. I think I have OCD about organization and cleanness but I don’t know for sure. I mean you’re probably thinking to yourself that I’m one of those crazy people from the TLC shows, but I promise you that I am not crazy; I just like things being a certain way and place. I also am not overboard about it, if it’s not perfect I don’t break down or cry and throw a huge fit, I move on.
When I wake up in the morning I have a routine, I’m sure almost everyone does. I wake up shower, get ready, then after I make sure my room is neat and in the right place, I like to make sure there is nothing on the ground and that everything is in its right place, like for instance my TV remotes, are in order and always on my nightstand. I make sure that on my dresser my earrings are all in the right place and all my perfumes (which is a TON) are in the right order. It’s not that bad though I mean if I’m in a rush to get to school I don’t do any of that, I just leave and later that day I come and fix everything. It is bad at night though because when I go to sleep everything has to be perfect or I just don’t feel right and then I can’t sleep.
When I say organization I mean it, in my room, in my backpack. Everything is organized, and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Even my closet is color coordinated. I feel that if things are organized you can find them easier witch in return makes life easier. If someone decides that they want to change my organization they will see me put it back to what it was like at first.
Cleanness. Where do I even begin, I like everything to be nice and clean cut. All my clothes have to be washed and clean. I also never leave my house without smelling delicious. Before I go to bed at night I wipe all my furniture tops with Clorox disinfectant wipes and I vacuum my room at least once a week. Okay, now when I read that over again in my head I seem above crazy but in my mind it’s just the right thing to do.
I guess it’s not the best thing to be crazy clean and organized, but it makes me feel better and that’s how it’s going to stay. Now on that note I have shared with you fellow readers a very secretive thing about me that not a lot of people know. Your welcome(: (461)

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