Monday, September 10, 2012

Its the little things

Pet peeves… we all have them. Those things that when we hear or see them we instantly become annoyed and want to punch the person that’s doing them in the face (I know punching is bad but we don’t really do it we just really want to do it). Some might be pretty strange and some just ordinary things. I am one of those people that have quite a few, in reality I get annoyed a lot.

a.)   Now eating has got to be my 1# pet peeve, when I was brought up, my dad had strict rules on table manners, don’t eat or talk with your mouth open, don’t bite down on your fork and or spoon, don’t stab your plate, and don’t be messy. Now being raised with polite table manners is a good thing, but when you have to eat with others that don’t have such great table manners it’s really not that fun and fantastic. I am that person that if I eat with you and you bite down on your fork or crunch every bit of your food with your mouth open, I will gladly call you out on it. I know it’s kind of harsh but come on have some manners it’s loud and obnoxious.

b.)   Tapping, that constant sound of tap, tap, tap, ughhh. It has got to be the worst, especially when you are trying to do homework or maybe actually pay attention in class. The horrible thing is that you can tap pretty much anything, your hand, foot, pencil, nails, water bottle, leg, and etcetera. Honestly I can say I do it which makes me kind of a hypocrite, but when I do I try to be polite about it and do it when it’s okay.

c.)   We all have those days that something goes wrong and all you do is talk about it right? Right? Well then we have those people that just like to have something wrong ALL THE TIME. Complaining and complaining and yes more complaining. I mean yah I’m sorry but move on with your life everything will work out in the end it’s not something to freak out about and try and make everyone feel so sorry for you, just to tell the truth, yah maybe we care a little but not a ton, SORRY.

d.)   School hallways. People like to get to classes during passing time or their locker, we all have a place to be when the bell rings, so when you’re walking and you just feel like stopping it’s actually a pretty rude thing to do. Oh and yes when you do that people will push you out of the way, that’ just how things work at Kennedy bud.

Okay so now that I’m done venting… (Sorry about that). We all have a pet peeve some more than others. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and move on though. But seriously move on. (492)

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